Category: USB Products
Products: Palladio USB GSM

Q. How can I use my USB modem with Linux?

A. Linux does support the USB moems starting from Kernel 2.4.
Do the following:
1. Connect the modem to the computer's USB port or Hub.
2. From the Control Panel run a system configurati tool.
This example is based on Yast from Suse 7.1 but is easely applicable to all other distributions based on kernel 2.4 or higher.

If a serial modem is already connected to /dev/ttyS0 (COM1) then you should see a window like the following:

Select Hardware and click Add for adding a new modem

Click Activate Modem for accessing the modem configuration parameters

Click Details for accessing the USB port speed and modem init strings.
Click Next and type in the Internet account parameters

Click next and select the USB modem you are setting up.

Click Next. You should see a window like the following:

Click Finish and save the settings.

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